Personal Auto Insurance Isn’t Always Enough When You Own a Business

Most business owners are aware of the possibility that one or more of their employees might get in an accident on company time or while driving on company business.  And of course they are aware that this accident could result in substantial liability for someone.


That’s why these same business owners insist that their employees have valid automobile insurance.  Unfortunately, companies who follow this game plan are still taking a HUGE risk.  Why?


First, because if they don’t insist on seeing proof of this insurance, the employee could simply lie.  “But wait!” you might exclaim.  “What about demanding that the new hire bring in proof of insurance?”  Unfortunately, there are two problems with this tactic.  The first is that people can still lie.  Many drivers purchase insurance policies for the sake of their job or to please the DMV at registration or license renewal time, and then promptly let those policies lapse as an unnecessary expense.  After all, they’re a safe driver, they reason.  If they get in an accident, it will be someone else’s fault.  Now, if only all the people who thought this way were correct…


Secondly, many personal policies specifically exclude business activities.  What happens if an employee with such a policy gets in a serious accident on the job where they are deemed at fault?  They thought they were covered.  You thought they were covered.  But they weren’t, and the injured party is looking for someone to sue.  Guess how much your good intentions will matter in court?


That’s why you should always make sure your company is covered by a reliable commercial auto insurance policy.  We have the expertise to match your company with the right policy for your needs.


Give us a call today at 401-433-1111 or contact us at, and we’ll set up an appointment to make sure your company is protected in the event of an auto accident.

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