Is it time for your car insurance check-up?

You take care of your car by making sure it is regularly maintained with oil changes, tune-ups, tire rotation, and recommended annual maintenance. But have you missed one of the most important annual maintenance procedures necessary to protect your vehicle? If you haven’t had an annual review of your auto insurance policy, you’ve overlooked a significant component of that annual maintenance.


An annual review of your policy with an insurance professional can help ensure that you are neither under-insured nor over-insured. You will be able to review policy options that you may not be aware of and evaluate their costs and benefits. In addition, you will have an opportunity to “tweak” your policy if you want to add inexpensive options such as coverage for towing and rental car costs, to avoid paying these expenses out of pocket. The review also allows you to be sure you thoroughly understand the coverage you have and get all your questions answered as well as giving you the opportunity to make sure you are getting all of the discounts that you are entitled to.


Please give us a call at 401-433-111 to schedule a free, no-obligation policy review at your earliest convenience. Chances are, we will be able to save you some money and/or ensure you have the coverage you need without paying for options you don’t want.

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