Why a Lapse in Coverage Can Have Serious Results

Letting your auto insurance policy lapse does not seem to be that serious a matter on the surface. Unfortunately, it is not only illegal to drive without insurance; it can also have much more serious consequences than a ticket for driving without insurance. A lapse in auto insurance can have far-reaching results with the potential to affect your entire life.

The Legal Aspect

All drivers are required by law to carry a minimum liability policy in order to get behind the wheel. This protects all of the drivers on the road by ensuring that in the event of an accident, the at-fault party will have insurance to pay for the damage. If you are pulled over and found to be driving without insurance, you will be given a ticket and may face even more serious legal consequences, depending on the state in which you reside.

Financial Consequences

If you are involved in an accident where you are found to be at fault, and there is no insurance to pay the damages, you will be responsible. In a serious accident with a lot of property damage and injuries, this can add up really quickly. You may not have the thousands of dollars to pay the bills, but with a judgment against you your wages can be garnished and other assets placed in danger, including your home. Not paying that insurance premium can lead to paying off a huge amount of money for the rest of your life.

Future Insurance Premiums

Some insurance companies will not take insure someone who does not have previous insurance, while others will simply charge you a higher premium. A lapse in your old policy can mean that you will no longer qualify for the rates you were getting before. You will lose discounts including longevity with your insurance company, and will be treated as a higher risk to the company. You may also have to make a new down payment or pay reinstatement fees. It can take a while to work your way back up to getting the better rates reserved for the company’s best customers. Some insurance companies may also have a limit on the number of times you can lapse before they refuse to reinstate you.

A lapse in your insurance policy can be much more costly than had you simply continued to pay your premiums. If you are having trouble paying your insurance bill, talk to your agent about ways to reduce your rates, rather than allowing a lapse to occur.

What Is Minimum Coverage And Do I Need More?

Minimum auto insurance coverage, in most cases, is not enough to ensure that you are completely protected from the financial and legal responsibilities that may result if you were ever to be involved in a car accident. Here are some facts about minimum car insurance coverage and whether it is enough for you.

What Does Minimum Coverage Include?

Minimum coverage is just that-the minimum. The amount of coverage you need to be legally insured as a driver. It covers you for a very specific amount of liability for any damage you may cause to others’ property, or for any medical expenses and lost wages that may incur as a result of an accident in which you are at fault. It does not provide you with any coverage for your own property or medical expenses for you and your passengers. In many cases the minimum amount of liability insurance may also not be enough if you are involved in a serious accident, and you will be personally responsible for the amount it costs beyond your coverage.

What Should My Minimum Coverage Really Be?

If you want to keep yourself protected as a driver, but still do not want to pay the high premiums, what types of coverage should you have? In general, it is smart to be sure you have both collision coverage, which will pay for repairs to your vehicle, and comprehensive coverage, which will protect you from natural disasters, theft, or vandalism in addition to your minimum liability coverage. This will protect you from out of pocket expenses for repairs to your own vehicle and any medical expenses you may incur. To keep your insurance expenses under control, choose the highest deductible you can afford.

The purpose of any type of insurance is to protect you from the expenses of unforeseen and unavoidable life events. Choosing coverage that provides the right protection is important, and finding a balance between protection and cost is the best way to do this.

Top Factors Affecting Auto Insurance Rates

Have you ever had a conversation with a friend or family member and wondered why their auto rates are so different from yours? The factors that go into determining the premium for an auto insurance policy are many, and the rates for two drivers can be very different. If you are wondering how the insurance company arrived at your rate, here are some of the factors that have an impact on your premiums.

Your Age And Experience

Your age and the length of time you have been driving are two of the biggest factors in determining insurance rates. Young drivers who are less experienced are statistically more likely to have accidents, and their accidents are more likely to be serious. Thus insurance companies rate for age and experience based on the risk they are taking by insuring you. You might hear that word a lot if you look into how insurance rates are determined: risk. The higher the risk a driver represents to an insurance company, the more they will be charged.

The Type Of Vehicle

The type of car you drive has a big impact on your rates as well. Some cars are more expensive to repair, more likely to be stolen, or considered more dangerous to drive due to high speeds (sports cars, for example). All of these things can lead to an increase in the premiums to insure that car. Older, less valuable cars can be cheaper to insure than newer, more expensive cars, because it will cost the insurance company more to repair or replace a newer car. And in some cases newer cars are more expensive to insure than older cars depending on the estimated availability of parts if the car was involved in an accident.

Where You Live

The zip code where you park your car at night is another determining factor in your premiums. If there is a lot of theft in your neighborhood, this might cause an increase in insurance rates, as the insurance company is taking on a higher risk of having to pay out on a theft claim.

How Much And How Far You Drive

If you have a long daily commute, you spend more time in your car than someone who works from home, which means you are more likely to be in an accident. The more you drive your car, the higher your premiums are likely to be. Again, you are at a higher risk of having a claim due to more frequent use of your car, resulting in a higher premium.

These are just a few of the many factors that go into determining what an individual pays for their auto insurance. Insurance companies rate each driver and vehicle based on the level of risk they represent-the likelihood that they will have a claim. The lower your risk level, the better your premiums will become.

Is it time for your car insurance check-up?

You take care of your car by making sure it is regularly maintained with oil changes, tune-ups, tire rotation, and recommended annual maintenance. But have you missed one of the most important annual maintenance procedures necessary to protect your vehicle? If you haven’t had an annual review of your auto insurance policy, you’ve overlooked a significant component of that annual maintenance.


An annual review of your policy with an insurance professional can help ensure that you are neither under-insured nor over-insured. You will be able to review policy options that you may not be aware of and evaluate their costs and benefits. In addition, you will have an opportunity to “tweak” your policy if you want to add inexpensive options such as coverage for towing and rental car costs, to avoid paying these expenses out of pocket. The review also allows you to be sure you thoroughly understand the coverage you have and get all your questions answered as well as giving you the opportunity to make sure you are getting all of the discounts that you are entitled to.


Please give us a call at 401-433-111 to schedule a free, no-obligation policy review at your earliest convenience. Chances are, we will be able to save you some money and/or ensure you have the coverage you need without paying for options you don’t want.

What Is Minimum Coverage And Do I Need More?

Minimum auto insurance coverage, in most cases, is not enough to ensure that you are completely protected from the financial and legal responsibilities that may result if you were ever to be involved in a traffic accident. Here are some facts about minimum car insurance coverage and whether it is enough for you.

What Does Minimum Coverage Include?

Minimum coverage is just that – the minimum. The amount of coverage you need to be legally insured as a driver varies depending on where you live. But in most cases it covers you for a very specific amount of liability for any damage you may cause to others’ property, or for any medical expenses they incur as a result of an accident in which you are at fault. It does not provide you with any coverage for your own property or medical expenses. In many cases the minimum amount of liability insurance may also not be enough if you are involved in a serious accident, and you will be personally responsible for the amount it costs beyond your coverage.

What Should My Minimum Coverage Really Be?

If you want to keep yourself protected as a driver, but still do not want to pay the high premiums, what types of coverage should you have? In general, it is smart to be sure you have both collision coverage, which will pay for repairs to your vehicle, and comprehensive coverage, which will protect you from natural disasters, theft, or vandalism in addition to your minimum liability coverage. This will protect you from out of pocket expenses for repairs to your own vehicle and any medical expenses you may incur. To keep your insurance expenses under control, choose the highest deductible you can afford.

The purpose of insurance of any kind is to protect you from the expenses of unforeseen and unavoidable life events. Choosing coverage that does this is important, and finding a balance between protection and cost is the best way to do this.

Top Mistakes When Choosing Auto Insurance Coverage

You don’t need to be an expert to choose the right auto insurance policy, but you should be aware of some of the basics that will ensure you get the best rate for which you qualify and are protected appropriately. Here are a few of the most common mistakes made when choosing auto insurance, and the ways in which they can affect you.

Choosing Coverage That Is Too Low

Each state has a minimum requirement for liability coverage. In order to quote the lowest possible rates, some insurance companies will always quote at the state minimum. While this will ensure it is legal to drive your car, the minimum liability limit might not be enough to cover you properly in the event of an at-fault accident, especially if you own a home or condo.

When you request an auto insurance quote, be sure the liability limits are high enough to thoroughly protect you and your assets. If a serious accident occurs and your policy limits are quickly reached, you could find yourself in court facing a lawsuit for the rest of the damages, you can even have a lien placed on your home.

It’s better to be protected correctly in the first place. Sometimes an increase in coverage is only a matter of a few cents to a dollar.

Missing Out On Discounts

The number of discounts offered by most insurance companies today can be a long list. But it’s the major ones that you should pay the most attention to. The discount for having more than one policy with an insurer is often quite a large one. If you own a home, try to have your homeowner’s and auto insurance with the same company. It just makes sense, financially and for the sake of simplicity. You will not only get a discount on the auto policy, but on the homeowner’s premium as well.

Believe it or not insurance companies do offer new discounts from time to time to help their costumers save money on their insurance premiums. It is always important to ask your current insurance agent or insurance representative about any discounts that you might be missing out on.

Skipping Affordable Extra Coverage

Most auto insurance policies have an option for roadside assistance. Some may include it automatically, while others require a small extra premium. This coverage will give you protection in case of a mechanical breakdown, locking your keys in the car, or other situations in which you require help. The yearly cost of adding this coverage is far less than the cost of having your car towed, so it just makes sense to add it, but many people don’t realize it is even available.

Even if you have AAA it is still something that you may want to consider having. If you are in a bind and need to call AAA they might not be able to get to you for a few hours but the roadside assistance that your insurance company offers may be able to send someone out to you a lot sooner.

Small mistakes can cost you a lot of money, and have even more serious consequences. Avoiding them is simple if you are aware of them when you select an auto policy.  We are always more than happy to review your insurance coverage with our customers (new or old) and potential new customers.

How To Compare Auto Insurance Quotes

Shopping around for auto insurance is one of the best ways to make sure you are getting the best deal – the other is to call your current insurance agent and do a policy review and see if there are any new discounts that you might qualify for.


Not every agent or insurance company quotes in the same way. It’s important to be sure you are comparing apples to apples when you compare auto insurance quotes to ensure that you are getting a great deal. That low price may come with lower coverage or higher deductibles and might not be such a great deal after all. Learn how to compare auto insurance quotes for a truly good rate.


Are The Coverages The Same?


When you read over an auto insurance quote (and do read it-ask for it to be emailed or faxed to you, as mistakes can be made over the phone!) look to be sure that the numbers listed for liability limits, uninsured motorist coverage, and the comprehensive and collision deductibles match up. Then look for additional coverages that are listed on the quote, such as roadside assistance. Make sure that all of the quotes you compare list exactly the same coverage, for accurate comparison.


Is The Policy Term The Same?


Some rates look absolutely incredible-until you realize the policy term is only six months. Some companies offer different policy terms as well as different payment plan options. If you plan to make monthly payments on your policy, be sure to ask for the monthly premium. It isn’t necessarily as simple as dividing a yearly premium by twelve. Many insurance companies charge fees for the privilege of paying your premium on a monthly basis, which can make the total yearly cost of the policy higher than quoted.


Are The Discounts The Same?


An auto insurance rate may appear lower because it was quoted with a discount such as auto/home which you may not necessarily qualify for or desire. If you don’t plan to take out a homeowner’s policy with the same company, make sure they haven’t quoted it that way. Also check for other discounts; they won’t all match up, as every company offers different discount options. The best thing to do is to compare which discounts you do qualify for, with each company, to help determine who is offering the best discounts. Be on the lookout for discounts that don’t actually apply to you and will likely be removed by underwriting after you accept the policy.


A good quote will be simple, straightforward, and easy to read. It will outline all of the coverage included in the quote and apply only those discounts for which you truly qualify. An inaccurately low rate in the quote won’t do you much good if it changes once you accept the policy.

Do You Need An Insurance Agent?

It seems that many insurance companies today no longer sell their policies through agents anymore, they sell insurance directly thru the company either online or over the phone.  It might seem that having an agent to help you purchase auto insurance is a thing of the past, but don’t discount the insurance agent just yet.  There are some very good reasons to consider using an insurance agent to buy care, home, renter’s, condo and motorcycle insurance.


Agents Know Their Products


Many of the customer service representatives who handle the phones at large insurance company call centers know the basics of the insurance policies, enough to help you select and purchase one.  But insurance agents, especially those who have been around for a while, understand a lot more about coverage and policy limits.  They can share with you a wealth of knowledge that will ensure you not only get the right policy, but the best rate and a good understanding of what you are paying for.  An agent will help you select the best possible coverage limits to fit your needs and what you need to protect.


Agents Are On Your Side


If the day comes when you need to file a claim, it’s always good to have someone who is truly on your side.  Especially in a complicated claim, your agent can walk you through the process and be there to answer all your questions.  An agent is also there to step in when there are disagreements with the adjuster or other involved parties at the insurance company.  Because your agent knows all about the policy and how the claims process works – and knows you, they will be able to go over any claims issues with you and your adjuster.


At this day and age I am sure almost everyone has had a bad experience with an automated phone system.  When you are calling to report an insurance claim one of the last things you want to deal with is getting lost in an automated phone system.  When you have an agent you can call your agent directly to report the claim and the agent can handle things for you from there.  You will talk to someone who you’re familiar with to report the claim and you won’t have to press a bunch of numbers on your phone before you can speak to an actual person.  


Agents Keep Your Policy Accurate


A good agent will take the time to review your policy with you and make sure that everything is accurate and you are still carrying the coverage you need.  An agent knows when changes in your life might affect your insurance coverage needs, such as a marriage, change in job or a child getting their driver’s license.  Large insurance company call centers can’t always provide that level of personal attention and if you have to call back there is a good chance you will end up talking with someone else and have to go over everything all over again.


Are Agents More Expensive?


There is a general view that an insurance policy purchased through an agent will cost more than one purchased directly.  That isn’t necessarily true.  The best rate for you may well be one from an agency, so don’t discount quotes from agents when you are shopping for car insurance.  You might get the best rate along with the service only an agent can provide.  And for some people paying a little more to receive personal service is more than worth having to pay a little extra, especially when there is a claim that needs to be filed or when you have important changes to make to your coverage. 



You might not feel that you need an agent for your insurance, but there are certainly some very good reasons to take the time to meet with a one and see if it turns out to be right for you. 


Here at the Daigneau Insurance Agency we are always willing to make time for our customers and potential customers whether it’s to make a payment over the phone, add a car to their policy, file a claim, change an address or they just have some questions (even the “what if”) questions. 

Are You Looking to Save Money on Your Car and Homeowner’s Insurance?

Car insurance and homeowner’s insurance tends to be a necessary evil – if it’s not required by the state you live in its required by the bank or mortgage company.  With the premiums that some of us have to pay for our car insurance and homeowners insurance it can seem like a big part of our monthly budget is going towards insurance premiums.

A big question that comes up is how can you keep the coverage you need, keep you and your family protected and save money at the same time?  A lot of the time you can save by having your car insurance and homeowner’s insurance with the same insurance company – you will be able to save money on your insurance premiums without sacrificing coverage.

Insurance companies are more than happy to insure people who have or need more than one policy, so they are eager to offer you great discounts.  So it’s important that when you call that you mention it if they don’t.

Two of the discounts that we offer when you have more than one policy are:

  • home and auto discount  (applies to renters and condo’s)
  • auto and life discounts (you can get a discount on your auto insurance when you have your life insurance with us – does not apply to term insurance)

We also offer a number of other discounts as well and we are always happy to review the discounts with current and potential policy holders.

Regardless of who you have you insurance with you should always read the insurance policy carefully so that you know exactly what you are covered for and how much the insurance will pay in the event of a loss.

It is important to remember that having the right amount of coverage outweighs the cost of having inadequate coverage.

If you are not sure if you have enough coverage to fully protect yourself, family and property you should make it a point to review your coverage with your insurance agent.

At Daigneau Insurance we offer all of our policyholders free coverage reviews.