Top Factors Affecting Auto Insurance Rates

Have you ever had a conversation with a friend or family member and wondered why their auto rates are so different from yours? The factors that go into determining the premium for an auto insurance policy are many, and the rates for two drivers can be very different. If you are wondering how the insurance company arrived at your rate, here are some of the factors that have an impact on your premiums.

Your Age And Experience

Your age and the length of time you have been driving are two of the biggest factors in determining insurance rates. Young drivers who are less experienced are statistically more likely to have accidents, and their accidents are more likely to be serious. Thus insurance companies rate for age and experience based on the risk they are taking by insuring you. You might hear that word a lot if you look into how insurance rates are determined: risk. The higher the risk a driver represents to an insurance company, the more they will be charged.

The Type Of Vehicle

The type of car you drive has a big impact on your rates as well. Some cars are more expensive to repair, more likely to be stolen, or considered more dangerous to drive due to high speeds (sports cars, for example). All of these things can lead to an increase in the premiums to insure that car. Older, less valuable cars can be cheaper to insure than newer, more expensive cars, because it will cost the insurance company more to repair or replace a newer car. And in some cases newer cars are more expensive to insure than older cars depending on the estimated availability of parts if the car was involved in an accident.

Where You Live

The zip code where you park your car at night is another determining factor in your premiums. If there is a lot of theft in your neighborhood, this might cause an increase in insurance rates, as the insurance company is taking on a higher risk of having to pay out on a theft claim.

How Much And How Far You Drive

If you have a long daily commute, you spend more time in your car than someone who works from home, which means you are more likely to be in an accident. The more you drive your car, the higher your premiums are likely to be. Again, you are at a higher risk of having a claim due to more frequent use of your car, resulting in a higher premium.

These are just a few of the many factors that go into determining what an individual pays for their auto insurance. Insurance companies rate each driver and vehicle based on the level of risk they represent-the likelihood that they will have a claim. The lower your risk level, the better your premiums will become.

Because Accidents Happen

One of the most essential elements of protecting the survival of your business is general liability insurance. While this type of coverage is especially important if you have significant interactions with the public, the sad truth is that in today’s litigious society, EVERY business should protect itself against the possibility of lawsuits.

Perhaps you believe your particular business is so low risk that commercial liability insurance doesn’t make statistical sense for you. In which case, let me ask you a few questions.

  • Does your business have a common area such as a storefront or reception area?
  • Do your employees often drive as part of their job-related activities?
  • Does any part of your business involve the operation of heavy equipment?
  • Do you manufacture any item intended to be used by others?

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, then you aren’t low-risk enough to even think about passing on general liability insurance.

But even if you answered “No” to all of the questions, you should still make it a point to protect yourself by purchasing a general liability insurance policy. Why?

Individuals can legitimately hurt themselves or cause accidents in an infinite number of unpredictable ways. In some jurisdictions, courts have held that property owners are liable even for injuries to trespassers and thieves. In the event of any sort of incident, the opposing attorneys are more likely to act responsibly if they know they have to deal with a huge insurance company instead of an isolated business. You’ve got enough to deal with trying to make an honest living without having to worry about lawsuits falling out of the sky.

The Daigneau Insurance Agency specializes in matching businesses with the most appropriate policies for their commercial insurance needs. If your company isn’t already covered by a general liability policy or if you would like us to review your current plan, please give us a call ASAP at 401-433-1111.  Let us provide you with greater peace of mind and make sure your business is protected against the vagaries of fortune.