Why a Lapse in Coverage Can Have Serious Results

Letting your auto insurance policy lapse does not seem to be that serious a matter on the surface. Unfortunately, it is not only illegal to drive without insurance; it can also have much more serious consequences than a ticket for driving without insurance. A lapse in auto insurance can have far-reaching results with the potential to affect your entire life.

The Legal Aspect

All drivers are required by law to carry a minimum liability policy in order to get behind the wheel. This protects all of the drivers on the road by ensuring that in the event of an accident, the at-fault party will have insurance to pay for the damage. If you are pulled over and found to be driving without insurance, you will be given a ticket and may face even more serious legal consequences, depending on the state in which you reside.

Financial Consequences

If you are involved in an accident where you are found to be at fault, and there is no insurance to pay the damages, you will be responsible. In a serious accident with a lot of property damage and injuries, this can add up really quickly. You may not have the thousands of dollars to pay the bills, but with a judgment against you your wages can be garnished and other assets placed in danger, including your home. Not paying that insurance premium can lead to paying off a huge amount of money for the rest of your life.

Future Insurance Premiums

Some insurance companies will not take insure someone who does not have previous insurance, while others will simply charge you a higher premium. A lapse in your old policy can mean that you will no longer qualify for the rates you were getting before. You will lose discounts including longevity with your insurance company, and will be treated as a higher risk to the company. You may also have to make a new down payment or pay reinstatement fees. It can take a while to work your way back up to getting the better rates reserved for the company’s best customers. Some insurance companies may also have a limit on the number of times you can lapse before they refuse to reinstate you.

A lapse in your insurance policy can be much more costly than had you simply continued to pay your premiums. If you are having trouble paying your insurance bill, talk to your agent about ways to reduce your rates, rather than allowing a lapse to occur.

Why You Can’t Afford Not To Have Life Insurance

Insurance agents hear the same story over and over again: I know I need life insurance; I just can’t afford the premiums. The trouble is that those who feel they can’t afford to have life insurance are likely the people who need it the most. Here are a few of the reasons why the argument that you can’t afford life insurance coverage likely means you really need it.

You Have No Savings

If you live paycheck to paycheck and have no savings or other backup to cover yourself in case something goes wrong, then you also have no way to provide your family with what they need should you pass away. The less you have in the way of assets and savings, the more a life insurance policy will be needed by your loved ones in the event of a tragedy. How will they pay the mortgage and utilities, buy food, or handle all the other costs of everyday life? Without a life insurance policy, you will be leaving your family in a seriously difficult situation, dependent on charity or family members for help.

There’s No Extra Room In The Budget

When your budget is tight, which it is for many people today, you probably need every dollar that is coming in right now to cover the bills and make ends meet. What happens if some or all of that income is taken away? The family members left behind certainly won’t have a chance of finding income to replace what is gone quickly enough to avoid losing their home and more. While it can be difficult to fit the premium for a life insurance policy into a tight monthly budget, the cost of not fitting that policy in can be a lot higher if something unexpected happens.

If you really think you can’t afford to have life insurance, then the truth is you need to find a way. Talk to us about ways to take out a policy affordably, and look at your budget to see if there is a way you can make room. The more you think you can’t pay for life insurance, the more you need that coverage to protect your family from losing everything if something happens to you. Knowing your loved ones will be okay if you are gone is well worth stretching the budget just a little more.

Most of the time life insurance is a lot cheaper than you think it is. We have term policies for as little as $20 a month with less than 10 medical questions. Even if you can only afford a small policy some coverage is better than no coverage at all.