Buying a House for the First Time?

Home isn’t just where your heart is. It is also where most of your net worth is! For most of us, the investment in a home purchase is one of the largest and most important we’ll make. Any wise investor would want to ensure that such a significant investment was adequately protected.

Making sure you have a policy that meets your specific needs, and at the same time fitting your budget, is a vital part of protecting the investment you’ve made in your first home. Assessing your needs is the first step in evaluating your policy and knowing how much insurance you need. How much would it cost to replace your home and your personal belongings? Do you have expensive jewelry or other particularly valuable possessions? Are there other permanent structures on your property?

The second step is making sure you know what is included in your policy, and just as importantly, what is not. Standard policies typically provide coverage in four essential areas: the structure of your home, personal possessions, your liability to others, and living expenses should you be unable to live in your home temporarily as the result of a disaster your policy covers. It is crucial that you know which disasters-or “named perils” in the language of insurance-are covered by your policy and whether you need additional coverage for any excluded peril.

An insurance professional can guide you through these steps and provide you with other tips for making sure your policy is just right for you. Please give us a call at 401-433-1111 to schedule a time to meet for a free review of your homeowners insurance needs. We can help you make a determination of how much insurance coverage you need and what, if any, additional options you should consider.

What Is Covered In A Life Insurance Medical Exam?

Life insurance is a major purchase. Finding a policy that not only provides you with the coverage you need to care for your family or loved ones, but is also affordable, is critical in making your decision. So you have found the policy that seems to have all the feature you are looking for, and at the right price, but it requires a medical exam! What should you expect from a life insurance medical exam and how can you prepare for it?

What Kind Of Medical Exam Should I Expect?

In general, a life insurance medical exam will try to get an overall picture of your health. You can expect to be asked a series of questions about your medical history and the medical history of your family members. You can also expect questions about your lifestyle that may affect your health such as drinking, smoking, and exercise habits. In addition to a questionnaire you may also be required to have a routine physical that could include taking your weight, pulse, and blood pressure, as well as doing blood work and urinalysis. It is a good idea to have the insurance company send the results to your doctor. That way if you do have a health problem you did not know about your doctor will be informed of the results. It can also give you a third party perspective if you were to fail the medical exam.  Most exams require that you fast for at least 12 hours before to ensure the best test results for your blood work.

Why Do I Need To Take One?

Your insurance company may require you to take a medical exam to assist them in determining what premiums they should charge you. They will compare the results of your medical exam to their longevity charts, which will give them an estimate of how long you are expected to live based on various criteria. The premiums will be based not only on your medical exam, but also on other factors such as your age, gender, occupation, and credit score.

Are There Alternatives?

The policy that you select may require a medical exam. There are, however, a number of policies on the market that do not require a medical exam, and many of these are offered to those who are older or who may be concerned about taking an exam in the first place due to existing health problems.

Overall, if you are in good shape, healthy, and young, taking a medical exam may give you access to a policy with a very low rate. If, however, you are older or in poor health you may want to consider a policy that does not require it.

Why You Can’t Afford Not To Have Life Insurance

Insurance agents hear the same story over and over again: I know I need life insurance; I just can’t afford the premiums. The trouble is that those who feel they can’t afford to have life insurance are likely the people who need it the most. Here are a few of the reasons why the argument that you can’t afford life insurance coverage likely means you really need it.

You Have No Savings

If you live paycheck to paycheck and have no savings or other backup to cover yourself in case something goes wrong, then you also have no way to provide your family with what they need should you pass away. The less you have in the way of assets and savings, the more a life insurance policy will be needed by your loved ones in the event of a tragedy. How will they pay the mortgage and utilities, buy food, or handle all the other costs of everyday life? Without a life insurance policy, you will be leaving your family in a seriously difficult situation, dependent on charity or family members for help.

There’s No Extra Room In The Budget

When your budget is tight, which it is for many people today, you probably need every dollar that is coming in right now to cover the bills and make ends meet. What happens if some or all of that income is taken away? The family members left behind certainly won’t have a chance of finding income to replace what is gone quickly enough to avoid losing their home and more. While it can be difficult to fit the premium for a life insurance policy into a tight monthly budget, the cost of not fitting that policy in can be a lot higher if something unexpected happens.

If you really think you can’t afford to have life insurance, then the truth is you need to find a way. Talk to us about ways to take out a policy affordably, and look at your budget to see if there is a way you can make room. The more you think you can’t pay for life insurance, the more you need that coverage to protect your family from losing everything if something happens to you. Knowing your loved ones will be okay if you are gone is well worth stretching the budget just a little more.

Most of the time life insurance is a lot cheaper than you think it is. We have term policies for as little as $20 a month with less than 10 medical questions. Even if you can only afford a small policy some coverage is better than no coverage at all.